Lilly Alanna Louise

Lilly Alanna Louise is a pure bred Lhasa Apso (pronounced La-Sa App-So) who hails from Wolverhampton, UK along with her sister Iris. She is one of our breeding females and weighs in at 14.5 lbs. In the Bible, the name "Lilly" means "my God is abundance" which we know to be true as an attribute of God. "Alanna Louise" were given as her middle names because they are both names of friends who have meant a lot to us throughout our dog breeding years.
Lilly is fawn in colour, submissive in nature and highly intelligent. She is gentle but also protective of her fur siblings and her people. She has proved herself to be goofy, affectionate, independent to the point of stubbornness by times!
One of our favourite things about Lilly is that she enjoys playing by herself. Whether it be a ball, a bone, a rope, or one of her fur Momma's flip flops or socks, she will pick it up and throw it only to chase after it while wagging her tail (and her whole body wiggles with it) and growling at it. She keeps us laughing and we are so grateful for her!